Commissioned by Katsurao Collective Artist in Residence, Fukushima, Japan
- Exhibited at Hikarie gallery8, Tokyo, Japan 5th Aug-17th Aug 2023

Katsurao Collective Artist in Residence, Open Studio Day 27-29 Feb 2023

Katsurao Collectiveによるコミッション作品。福島県双葉郡葛尾村にてアーティスト・インレジデンス。



震災後、村全体に太陽光発電を資源として電力を供給する「葛尾電力」という会社が設立され、将来起こり得る緊急事態も考慮してエネルギーの自給自足を目指しています。葛尾電力はケーブル配線の問題でしばし停電を経験することがあるとされています。 かつて地域の結束を強化した祭り文化が災害の影響で無くなってしまった村で、村民全員が一緒に体験する停電の発生が新たな意義を持つ可能性を考えました。弱まったコミュニティの絆の再構築に寄与するイベントとして、住民間の集合的な記憶の形成を促す役割を果たすかもしれません。 太陽の光など自然と密接に結びついたコミュニティシステムにおいて、人間の技術を通じてさえ神と共存しているという感覚があります。(祭り文化の中心には、自然の制御不能な力の中に神々の存在を認識し鎮めようとすることがあります)


「太陽光由来の電気の神」「原子力由来の電気の神」「(人工的)中性子の神」という、今まで居なかった架空の存在をメタバース内の神社に祀った。 また、日本の古事記による神々の系譜を借用し、電気の神々の系譜を追跡できるようにした。その中には、この3柱の神の他にも電気の時代に生きる私たちと共存する新しい神の名前も表しています。


協力感謝:葛尾村の村民の皆さま, Katsurao Collective, 葛尾電力, 葛尾村づくり公社
滞在制作前に訪れた伊勢市, 皇學館大学, 伊勢クリエーターズワーケーション

DENKINOKAMISAMA - meaning, 'Gods of Electricity' 

This work was produced during the residency in Katsurao Village, Futaba County, Fukushima. The entire village was evacuated after the nuclear accident in 2011, but villagers have returned since the alert was lifted. Rather than trying to recover what was lost, the project focused on what newly appeared in Katsurao Village after the disaster, and attempted to shift the way of seeing and to search for a way of coexistence with nature. (Nature in the true sense is indifferent, callous and frightening to humans)

New things in Katsurao Village: 
(i) Dosimeters 
For me, coming from outside the village, it is unusual that there are dosimeters all over the village; the machines show the radiation levels, but radiation is invisible. 'You can't see it but it’s there.' I feel the invisible presence. However, the villagers live everyday life without hesitation. I felt that the way they coexist while feeling the existence is like that living with Shinto gods.

(2) Katsurao  Electricity Company 
After the earthquake, a company called Katsurao Denryoku, which supplies electricity to the entire village using solar power as a resource, was established in order to become energy self-sufficient, taking into account emergencies that may occur in the future. Katsurao Denryoku is said to often experience power cut-offs. 
In a village where the festival culture, which once strengthened the unity of the community, has been affected by the disaster, I pondered whether the occurrence of power outages could take on a new significance. It might serve as an event that fosters the formation of collective memories among the villagers, given the potential for weakened community bonds.
There is a sense of coexisiting with god in the community system that is established closely with nature, such as sunlight, even through human technology. (At the heart of the festival culture is the recognition of the presence of deities within the uncontrollable forces of nature)

If humans are seen as part of nature, can human-made technology also be part of the idea of ‘Yaoyorozu ’? 
*The concept of "Yaoyorozu no Kami" (八百万の神, literally "eight million gods") is a fundamental aspect of Shinto, Japan's indigenous spirituality. It signifies an infinite number of deities inhabiting natural elements such as mountains, rivers, trees, and rocks, as well as abstract concepts like fertility and protection, and emphasizes the idea of co-existing with nature.

In this project, I've created three deities: the "God of Electricity from Solar Energy," the "God of Electricity from Nuclear Power," and the "God of Neutron." These deities are fabricated and enshrined in a VR Metaverse shrine that can only be accessed with electricity.
Using the genealogy of deities from Japanese mythology, I've enabled the tracking of the ancestry of the Gods of Electricity. These deities represents a novel entity that appears to us in the age of electricity. 

*When not on display, the data of the VR space is stored on a USB memory stick, giving it the appearance of a nonexistent shrine, much like an unseen deity.

Special Thanks to: Katsurao Village, Katsurao Collective, Katsurao Denryoku, Katsurao Muradukuri Kousha
Ise-city where I visited for research before the residency starts, Kogakkan University, Ise Creators Workation

A family tree map of gods from Japanese Mythology

- The gods newly captured in this project have also been incorporated into this map

葛尾村キャラクター しみちゃん
葛尾村キャラクター しみちゃん
葛尾村キャラクター しみちゃん
葛尾村キャラクター しみちゃん
Katsurao Collective Air Open Studio
Katsurao Collective Air Open Studio
genealogy (family) tree
genealogy (family) tree
2023年、Katsurao AIRの「リターンアーティスト制度」を活用し、作品を完成させました。

In 2023, this project was completed through Katsurao AIR's "Return Artist Program."
The production process involved refining the VR environment and avatars while establishing a system for online access from external locations. The VR data enshrining the Gods of Electricity was stored on a USB stick and placed inside an [electric storage box] as part of the artwork. Additionally, a booklet titled DENKINOKAMISAMA was created with the assistance of ChatGPT as supplementary material.

葛尾村復興交流館あぜりあでの作品展示の様子 2024年1月
The completed artwork on display at Katsurao Village Reconstruction Exchange Hall Azalea, Jan 2024
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