Photo by Yuto Kudo
Based in London and Kyoto, Okaku explores the laws and transcendent forces that shape the world. Integrating theoretical frameworks from philosophy, religious studies, quantum mechanics, and information thermodynamics with myths, legends, and occult folklore, she combines collage, animation, VR, and AI technologies and performance to create works that encourage active participation from the audience and present diverse perspectives.

Her notable exhibitions and performances include "#Spread" (Towada Art Center, 2024), "THAT LONG MOONLESS CHASE" (21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, 2023), "VOCA 2019" (Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo), and "The Interpreter" (QUAD, UK, 2015). Her awards include a nomination for the International Competition at the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival (2016) and the Best Music Video Award at the Ottawa International Animation Festival (2011).


主な展示やパフォーマンスに「#拡散展」十和田市現代美術館 space、2024)、「THAT LONG MOONLESS CHASE / その長い月のない追跡」(金沢21世紀美術館、2023)、「VOCA展 2019(上野の森美術館、東京)、「The Interpreter」(QUAD Gallery、イギリス、2015)など。主な受賞歴に、オーバーハウゼン国際短編映画祭インターナショナルコンペティション部門へのノミネーション(2016)、オタワ・アニメーション国際映画祭最優秀ミュージック・ビデオ賞受賞(2011)など。

2003 - 2005 Royal College of Art, MA (rca) in Animation
2000 - 2003 Chelsea College of Art and Design, BA Fine Art Media

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