eternal return I (2019)
Exhibited at:
Geek Love”, Tokyo Institute of Technology Museum, Centennial Hall.
(2018 Tokyo Arts and Culture Creation Grant Project, curator Naoko Fujimoto, Geek love/ikei no ai Committee).
This place place is only a passing point.
Keep forwarding forwarding keep your Eternal return story forward.
Keep forwarding forwarding keep your Eternal return story forward.

Use your phone or other device to scan the code and move on to the story. The shell-helmet character from From where you are moves ceaselessly in this expanded world. The digital code that still reigns in this world is a mechanism that takes us to the next stage of the game without end by actively and cooperatively scanning with others.
スマホなどの端末を使ってコードをスキャンして話を進めていきましょう。拡張されたこの世界で絶え間なく動くのは、From where you areに登場した貝殻ヘルメットのキャラクター。この世界に今も君臨するデジタルコードは、他の人と積極的に協力してスキャンすることで、終わりのない次のステージへと連れて行ってくれる仕組みになっています。

This web page is part of the 'Eternal Return' project and serves as a digital waystation that users will reach after continuously scanning the QR code, creating a loop within the digital world.
eternal return II (2020)
Screened at:
STRANGE TIME Online exhibition, May 2020
Frameless Muenchen Online Exhibition, May 2022
This is an expanded version of Eternal Return (2019) for STRANGE TIME online exhibition project. The original work, Eternal Return I, an illustration with ouroboros on a wooden panel with a QR code, was commissioned by Geek Love Project, exhibited at TIT centennial hall, Tokyo, 2019.
For this STRANGE TIME project version, I created a collage work around Eternal Return (2019), using a laptop screen as a canvas.
For this STRANGE TIME project version, I created a collage work around Eternal Return (2019), using a laptop screen as a canvas.