The Interpreter consists of: a single-channel animation (06:28),
a set of original Derbyshire Tarot cards,105 x 148mm,
22 collage works in frames, each 148 x 210mm.

Artwork Description (2024 Revised Edition)
The Interpreter is a mixed-media artwork created during the 2015 Artist in Residence program at QUAD, Animate Projects, and D-lab in Derbyshire, UK. This program centred around the theme of [Analog/Digital].
At that time, in 2015, AI technologies such as VR and ChatGPT were not yet prevalent. Discussions focused on how the transition from analog to digital would impact our storytelling practices.
This artwork invites the audience to actively engage in the storytelling process. Rather than presenting a fixed narrative, it encourages viewers to utilize their imaginations to construct their own interpretations. This interactive approach draws inspiration from the concept of ‘Analog Interpretative Methods’, which emphasizes the characteristics of analog techniques. For instance, in film, the gaps between frames require viewers to bridge connections using their imagination, whereas digital media automatically fills these gaps, reducing the audience to passive receivers of the story.
The use of Tarot cards, which possess a similar analog structure, allows the audience to explore personal narratives that resonate with their own experiences. Each card symbolizes a unique narrative, inviting viewers to connect the stories and create their interpretations. The Interpreter consists of 22 collage artworks inspired by the Major Arcana of Tarot, depicting the history, legends, and customs I encountered during a field trip in Derby.
While the accompanying digital animation may appear to present a complete story, it is merely one of many possible narratives derived from the 22 collages. It is essential to recognize that digital information is fundamentally data. The interpretation of the story is influenced by the audience's individual memories, preferences, and imaginations, which can be ignited by the random combinations of drawn Tarot cards.
This interactive experience, which merges visual art and personal exploration, encourages participants to uncover deeper meanings within themselves, transforming each encounter with The Interpreter into a unique and transformative journey.
The Interpreter functions not only as a single-channel video work but also as an installation featuring 22 framed collage pieces and a performance involving live Tarot readings.
作品概要 (2024年再編集版)
The Interpreterは、2015年にイギリスのダービーシャーで開催されたQUAD、Animate Projects、D-labのアーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラムで制作されたミクストメディア作品です。このプログラムのテーマは[アナログ/デジタル]でした。
タロットカードはそのアナログ的な構造を持っており、観客はそれぞれのカードが持つ物語を繋げることで独自の物語を探求できます。The Interpreterは、ダービーでのフィールドトリップ中に出会った歴史や伝説、習慣を描いた22枚のコラージュアートワークで構成されており、大アルカナのタロットにインスパイアされています。
視覚芸術と個人的な探求を融合させたこのインタラクティブな体験は、参加者が自分の内面的な意味を発見することを促し、The Interpreter (通訳者)との出会いを一回一回、ユニークで変革的な旅にすることを目指しています。
The Interpreterは、1チャンネルの映像作品としてだけでなく、22枚のコラージュ作品を額装したインスタレーション、タロットのライブリーディングを行うパフォーマンスとしても機能します。
Solo and Group Exhibitions
The Secret East London Show, London, UK 2024
The Secret East London Show, London, UK 2024
Regime of prediction, Gallery white elephant, Berlin, Germany 2018
Grotesque, Museum of 20th and 21st Century, St. Petersburg Art, Russia 2018
Noriko Okaku, Earth+ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2017
The Reading with Midori Mitamura, Al Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2017
The Interpreter, QUAD, Derby, UK 2015
Selected Screenings
SKIP CITY D-Cinema International Film Festival, Japan 2017
Salon: Low Definition, UK 2017
Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival, MACBA, Spain 2017
Kassel Dokfest, Germany 2016
Regime of prediction, Gallery white elephant, Berlin, Germany 2018
Grotesque, Museum of 20th and 21st Century, St. Petersburg Art, Russia 2018
Noriko Okaku, Earth+ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2017
The Reading with Midori Mitamura, Al Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2017
The Interpreter, QUAD, Derby, UK 2015
Selected Screenings
SKIP CITY D-Cinema International Film Festival, Japan 2017
Salon: Low Definition, UK 2017
Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival, MACBA, Spain 2017
Kassel Dokfest, Germany 2016
Underwire Film Festival, UK 2016
Encounter Film Festival, UK 2016
International film Festival Oberhausen, Germany 2016
London International Animation Film Festival, UK 2015
Honourable Mention, SKIP CITY D-Cinema International Film Festival, Japan 2017
Invisibl Drums, Nordic and International Symposium of Spiritual Technologies within Creative Practice,
International film Festival Oberhausen, Germany 2016
London International Animation Film Festival, UK 2015
Honourable Mention, SKIP CITY D-Cinema International Film Festival, Japan 2017
Invisibl Drums, Nordic and International Symposium of Spiritual Technologies within Creative Practice,
Norway 2020
The Unpredictable series, London, Feb 2019
The Interpreter, ITONAMI DAISEN ART FESTIVAL, Tottori, Japan, Nov 3 2019
with Nissa Nishikawa, FEAST, London UK 2016
with Nissa Nishikawa, RELAPSE/FLUX, London/NY UK/USA 2016
with Teita Iwabuchi, The Reading, Al Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2016
with Imari Suganuma, The Interpreter, Earth+ gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2016
with Junya Ishi, Akihide Monna and Leo Dupleix, Camera Japan Festival, Rotterdam, Holland 2016
The Interpreter, ITONAMI DAISEN ART FESTIVAL, Tottori, Japan, Nov 3 2019
with Nissa Nishikawa, FEAST, London UK 2016
with Nissa Nishikawa, RELAPSE/FLUX, London/NY UK/USA 2016
with Teita Iwabuchi, The Reading, Al Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2016
with Imari Suganuma, The Interpreter, Earth+ gallery, Tokyo, Japan 2016
with Junya Ishi, Akihide Monna and Leo Dupleix, Camera Japan Festival, Rotterdam, Holland 2016
The Interpreter was created during the three month residency, co-commissioned by QUAD derby, Animate Projects and D-lab in 2015.

22 x framed collage exhibited at Earth+ Gallery, Tokyo 2016

22 x framed collage exhibited at AL Gallery, Tokyo 2016

An extract image from The Interpreter animation

An extract image from The Interpreter animation

An extract image from The Interpreter animation

An extract image from The Interpreter animation

A set of The Interpreter original Tarot card

A set of The Interpreter original Tarot card

Use of the tarot card for performance with Nissa Nishikawa at FEAST, Shoreditch Church, 28th Feb 2016